Another thing to factor in your solar heater design is the optimal direction(s) you should angle solar pool panels towards.

In the northern hemisphere, solar pool panels should face SOUTH, FLAT, WEST or EAST. Facing your panels South is the most optimal direction. Panels can't face in a northerly direction, unless they are supported by a rack to elevate the system towards south.

Solar pool heater panels typicaly should be mounted at a minimum of 15 Degrees on an angled roof or structure so the solar pool panels can drain correctly when the pool pump turns off.

In tropic and sub-tropic climates solar pool panels may also be installed flat. Flat structures or installed flat on the ground can be a good option but there are additional things to consider before you decide to move forward. Be sure to read our FLAT ROOF INSTALLATION page for more information on some of the precautions to take to prevent your panels from possible freeze damage.