Most roof surfaces are acceptable for installing solar pool panels; including shingle, barrel tile, flat tile, metal, cedar shake, built-up gravel, aluminum and modified roof systems.

solar pool heater; solar pool heating; shingle roof mount

solar pool heater; solar pool heating; metal roof mount

solar pool heater; solar pool heating; flat tile roof mount

solar pool heater; solar pool heating; shingle roof mount

solar pool heater; solar pool heating; flat tile roof roof mount

solar pool heater; solar pool heating; shingle roof mount

solar pool heater; solar pool heating; flat tile roof mount

solar pool heater; solar pool heating; flat rolled/modifed roof mount
Below are the different types of hardware we include in our STANDARD, DELUXE & PREMIUM Solar Pool Heater Kits depending on the type of surface you plan to install the solar pool panels on.
For Shingle, Metal, Modified Rolled Roof, or Wood Ground Rack solar pool heater installations we include in our kits #14 - 1/4" x 2" - 3/8" Hex Head SS Screws to fasten the solar panels mounting and straping hardware to the roof or stucture
For Barrel, Flat and Concrete Tile Roof solar pool heater installations we include in our kits #14 - 1/4" x 1 1/4" - 5/16" Tapcon Hex Head Screws to fasten the solar panels mounting and straping hardware to the roof or stucture
for Aluminum, Steel or Metal Frame Rack solar pool heater installation we include in our kits #14 - 1/4" x 1" - 7/16" Hex Head Bolts & Locking Nuts to fasten the solar panels mounting and straping hardware to the roof or stucture